Release Notes - August 2024

15 Sep, 2024

Release Notes - August 2024

Release Notes - August 2024

(Clique aqui para a tradução em português)

We're thrilled to bring you the latest updates and enhancements in our August release! Here’s what we shipped in August:

  • We handled another breaking change introduced by one of the providers. You probably didn’t even notice.
  • We are introducing GeoParquet: A more powerful, yet lighter-weight, way to handle geospatial data.
  • We’ve improved our batch upload endpoints to give you batch status alerts and more easily track the status of batch processing and the conversion of files inside of each batch.

Introducing GeoParquet

We're excited to announce a significant upgrade to our technology stack: the transition from GeoJSON to GeoParquet and the ability for customers to retrieve data from Leaf in GeoParquet format.

Please contact us if you would like to use GeoParquet instead of, or in addition to the existing GeoJSON outputs.

Once enabled, GeoParquet files will be available for new data using the/geoparquet endpoints.

You can read more about GeoParquet and our transition to it here.

More easily track and troubleshoot file uploads

We’ve added new ways to manage the batch uploads. An alert is now available to notify you when we finish processing the batch. A batch is considered to have finished processing as soon as all machine files in the .zip file have been converted (or have failed).

We’ve also added the ability for you to check the entity batch status, that is the status of converted and failed files and reasons for failure in a single request. Check our section about common error messages you can track.

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