Leaf Pricing

How does Leaf’s pricing work?

Leaf’s pricing is simple: Volume based with discounts for up-front commitments. We grow when you grow.

Acre Based Pricing

Leaf offers a price-per-acre approach. With this approach, you pay for the acres on which you connect, process, or store data through Leaf.

Commited Acre Discounts

Leaf helps lower your costs with discounts when you commit to certain levels of acres in advance. Contact us for details.


For teams who need to quickly connect growers and pull standardized, high quality farm data into their applications.
Get a demo


‧ Seamlessly connect grower accounts and access data across all providers

‧ Synchronize and store field boundaries

‧ Process machine operations data into summarized geojson

‧ Access Sentinel imagery, weather, and crop input database

Available Add-Ons

‧ Planet Imagery

Administration, Security and Developer Tools

‧ 99.95% Uptime SLA

‧ Usage Metrics

‧ 5 API Keys


For teams who need advanced capabilities, and timely, detailed machine data to power their products and pipelines.

Get a demo


‧ Seamlessly connect grower accounts and access data across all providers

‧ Synchronize and store field boundaries

‧ Process machine operations data into summarized geojson

‧ Access detailed machine operations data in multiple formats

‧ Share data with partners

‧ Send prescriptions and “write data” back to data providers

‧ Access Sentinel imagery, weather, and crop input database

Available Add-Ons

‧ Planet Imagery

‧ Leaf Workflows

Administration, Security and Developer Tools

‧ 99.95% Uptime SLA

‧ Usage Metrics

‧ 25 API Keys


For companies with lots of acres and more complex configuration, deployment, and support needs.
Get a demo


‧ Seamlessly connect grower accounts and access data across all providers

‧ Synchronize and store field boundaries

‧ Process machine operations data into summarized geojson

‧ Access detailed machine operations data in multiple formats

‧ Share data with partners

‧ Send prescriptions and “write data” back to data providers

‧ Create custom data synchronization logic

‧ Deploy with custom cloud support

‧ Access Sentinel imagery, weather, and crop input database

Available Add-Ons

‧ Planet Imagery

‧ Leaf Workflows

Administration, Security and Developer Tools

‧ 99.95% Uptime SLA

‧ Usage Metrics

‧ Unlimited