Buckle up for this months’ release notes because it’s a big one! From changes to crop monitoring file formats to exciting new partnership opportunities and a brand new weather service, there are plenty of new features this month. So, let's get cracking and leaf through the March release notes below! (Pun intended, obviously).
🚜 John Deere Operations - tillage now available
John Deere tillage operations are now available for the 2023 season! Leaf fetches and translates tillage files from John Deere’s API into one standardized format consistent across all Leaf-supported providers. Ready to build John Deere tillage operations in to your platform? Click here for the documentation or contact the team at help@withleaf.io if you have any questions.
🛰️ Crop monitoring - tif files are in
This update, while maybe not that “out-of-this-world”, does relate to some outer-worldly orbiting objects…The satellite image bands that come with the crop monitoring service are now grouped into a single multiband.tif file instead of multiple files. Now available from all providers in the Leaf crop monitoring ecosystem.
🌱 Field operations - cotton units
We've finally left the bushels behind and have entered the world of bales for the unit of measurement of cotton (affecting John Deere). You can now rest easy knowing that your customers are able to measure their favorite fluffy fiber in the correct unit.
🚀 Leaf Connect: share agricultural data with partners

Introducing Leaf Connect, this new product enables companies to share (user-permissioned) agricultural data with partners via Leaf. This gives you a simple, scalable and secure way to enable new partnerships without having to maintain your own API infrastructure, security, documentation, and support. Already got your next integration partner in mind? 🤠
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🤝 Leaf’s unified API now available through AWS Marketplace
Customers can now use Leaf’s Unified Farm Data API via the AWS Marketplace. This service makes it simple to streamline procurement, consolidate cloud accounts, and take advantage of additional AWS resources, ultimately making it easier to start building new value with farm data!
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⛈️ Get historical and forecasted weather with Leaf’s Weather API

This month we launched Leaf Weather: a simple, powerful API that unifies data from major weather sources. This service includes 7 weather models and many key weather variables including temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and more. And the best part for agribusinesses? Leaf Weather is also integrated with Leaf’s Field Boundary service, so you can get field-level weather data by field ID. So, whether it's rain or shine, get ready to make it rain with reliable weather data through Leaf!
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