API for food and agriculture
A single integration to retrieve and manage farm data in a consistent format.
Field operations
Connect and translate machine data faster
Access translated data sets in a consistent format, across all brands

Field boundary management
Retrieve and sync field boundaries across platforms
Import, export, manage, and sync field boundaries across platforms

Crop Monitoring
Integrate imagery from many sources in one format
Retrieve standardized satellite and drone imagery from multiple providers.

Focus on your growers
Leave the ag data infrastructure to us
Our systems operate with 99.5% uptime and will scale automatically to handle your heaviest processing loads during planting, acreage reporting, harvesting and all points in between.
Cost Efficient
Save the capital investment and time required to build it yourself and share in the economies of scale that go with processing hundreds of millions of acres of data.
Leaf serves insurance and financial companies with strictest compliance requirements. Leaf is also Ag Data Transparent certified, which recognizes our compliance with Ag Data’s Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data.
Ag data is messy. With Leaf you’ll get support from our experts to resolve the many grower data issues common across all providers and file formats.
Compatible with all major agriculture brands
The backbone for agricultural data
For ambitious companies that work within or with agriculture, Leaf makes accessing agricultural data from all major providers simple.

For developers, by developers
With a few lines of code you can access standardized, high-resolution data to power your applications or models.
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