Sentera Integration with Leaf

28 Mar, 2022

Sentera Integration with Leaf

Sentera Integration with Leaf

Since 2014, Sentera’s mission has been to deliver time-sensitive agricultural insights to help growers get the most out of every acre. Data captured through satellites, drones and sensors is integrated into their farm management software, FieldAgent® to help farmers follow their field throughout the growing season, enabling timely management decisions.

Now you can use Leaf’s API to access data from Sentera’s FieldAgent software, easing developer resources, reducing time spent on maintenance and with added peace of mind that the Leaf team is here to help when you need it.

FieldAgent provides near real-time field insights based on drone imagery featuring:

NDVI and RGB images

  • Analyze imagery for plant health, plant stress and visual color for scouting and crop damage assessments.
Leaf, data infrastructure for agriculture

Stand Count

  • Allows users to capture population counts on every acre of their operation. The results can be exported as a layer (.geojson) or as a mosaic (.tif image).
Leaf, data infrastructure for agriculture

Tassel Count

  • Delivers tassel count for late season stand count on every acre of a corn field.
Leaf, data infrastructure for agriculture

Sentera Data Example Use Cases:

  • Quickly access on-demand high resolution imagery within your application

    • Agronomic zones to build recommendations and prescriptions
    • Evaluations of seed, input and equipment performance
    • Diagnosis of in-season growing problems
    • Add valuable data points to your in season offering such as:
  • Create more accurate recommendations with as planted data, stand count, tassel count and yield maps

    • Use stand count data to validate plant emergence and hybrid/variety stand uniformity
    • Confirm late season stand count and check hybrid standability with tassel count data
  • Send more refined prescriptions

    • Incorporate stand count data sets for improved prescriptions sent from your application to the machine
  • Increase the year round value of your solution

    • Help customers improve farm management decisions with in-season, field-level insights

In addition, data through FieldAgent is available through a new service called “layers”, currently in beta on the Leaf API. Developers will be able to have direct access to the original images (RGB), the NDVI, and the layers with the data from stand and tassel count stored in the Sentera application.

Guide to Integration with Sentera

  • Step 1: Create a Leaf User (per FieldAgent account)
  • Step 2: Add Sentera credentials to a Leaf User
  • Step 3: Field Pooling
  • Step 4: NDVI and RGB pooling

Step 1: Create A Leaf User

When you integrate with a provider via Leaf, you'll need to create something called a 'Leaf User', which is used to manage provider authentication and organize data for your end users. In most cases, the Leaf User will be the farmer or consultant that has access to the source data.

A Leaf User will need to be created per Sentera FieldAgent account.

To send your credentials to Leaf, you will need your access token from Leaf, and have already created a Leaf User.

Here is how you get your access token.
Here is how you create a Leaf User.

Step 2: Add Sentera Credentials To A Leaf User

Now, attach your credentials to the Leaf User you created. Send a POST to: services/usermanagement/ users/<id>/credentials/ sentera-credentials

with the following information.

{ "username":"Username", "password":"Password", "organizationName": "NameOfTheOrganization
InTheFieldAgent" }

Step 3: Field Pooling

Leaf’s API will automatically pool the fields present in Sentera's API and organize it under the Leaf User created in step 2.

To access the fields, use the "provider" parameter to filter for "Sentera" on the fields endpoint: GET services/fields/api/ fields?leafUserId={leafUserId}&provider =Sentera
"id": "edcf7b8b-913e-4e53-a0b5-91aa16699dfc", "leafUserId": "055c4d61-b1e2-4fa9-873c-23433a11c271", "area": { "value": 14.23848140115738, "unit": "ha" }, "boundaries": [ "32af6728-1b79-461d-9303-bf710afb1fde" ], "providerName": "Sentera", "providerId": 22, "providerFieldId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d_ 211015_200456", "providerBoundaryId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d_ 211015_200456", "providerFieldName": "AT Wood Lake Field", "organizationId": "4uy4eh8_OR_edovSouthernM_ CV_prod_a025df2d_ 211015_195400", "type": "ORIGINAL", "createdTime": "2022-02-21T16:09:21.202779Z", "updatedTime": "2022-02-21T16:09:21.202779Z", "farmId": 2273558, "sources": []

Step 4: NDVI Pooling

Leaf's API will also automatically pool the NDVI and organize under the field created in step 3.

To see the available NDVI images, GET: services/beta/api/users/ {leafUserId}/layers? fieldId={fieldId}&provider= Sentera&type=NDVI
[ { "id": "23f52843-4115-47b7-92ba-db81f09b2b09", "leafUserId": "055c4d61-b1e2-4fa9-873c-23433a11c271", "apiOwnerUsername": "fabyan", "type": "NDVI", "origin": "PROVIDER_POOLED", "provider": "Sentera", "providerLayerId": "tjd4ryc_FI_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_82f9b3d6_ 211018_150732", "providerFieldId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d_ 211015_200456", "name": "QuickTile NDVI", "size": 6503158, "md5": "fbbdec0b51c1721e7beabea 74efe4060", "contentS3": "", "createdAt": "2022-02-16T21:38:17.729Z", "leafFieldIds": [ "f43ca7cc-c73a-43b9-8685-070b03876475", "edcf7b8b-913e-4e53-a0b5-91aa16699dfc" ] }, { "id": "d9b380c4-b9ce-4471-b04c-e86bc33c21d7", "leafUserId": "055c4d61-b1e2-4fa9-873c-23433a11c271", "apiOwnerUsername": "fabyan", "type": "NDVI", "origin": "PROVIDER_POOLED", "provider": "Sentera", "providerLayerId": "1rnvodg_FI_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_82f9b3d6_ 211018_150415", "providerFieldId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d_ 211015_200456", "name": "QuickTile NDVI", "size": 4157664, "md5": "10de3c17b0f03b8b8b 1337109fb2ad94", "contentS3": "", "createdAt": "2022-02-16T21:38:19.172Z", "leafFieldIds": [ "f43ca7cc-c73a-43b9-8685-070b03876475", "edcf7b8b-913e-4e53-a0b5-91aa16699dfc" ] }, { "id": "d1351020-6f73-4877-a323-042b698684d5", "leafUserId": "055c4d61-b1e2-4fa9-873c-23433a11c271", "apiOwnerUsername": "fabyan", "type": "NDVI", "origin": "PROVIDER_POOLED", "provider": "Sentera", "providerLayerId": "tt8gdbq_FI_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d _211015_201047", "providerFieldId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d _211015_200456", "name": "NDVI Mosaic", "size": 85377792, "md5": "599595a1d08f0c65c f4279bc9721b763", "contentS3": "", "createdAt": "2022-02-16T21:38:20.451Z", "leafFieldIds": [ "f43ca7cc-c73a-43b9-8685-070b03876475", "edcf7b8b-913e-4e53-a0b5-91aa16699dfc" ] } ]

RGB Pooling

GET: services/beta/api/users/ {leafUserId}/layers? fieldId={fieldId}&provider= Sentera&type=RGB
[ { "id": "96a098e0-f1d0-47e8-968d-9d55d54da114", "leafUserId": "055c4d61-b1e2-4fa9-873c-23433a11c271", "apiOwnerUsername": "fabyan", "type": "RGB", "origin": "PROVIDER_POOLED", "provider": "Sentera", "providerLayerId": "vnoyi6a_FI_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_82f9b3d6 _211018_151052", "providerFieldId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d _211015_200456", "name": "QuickTile RGB", "size": 159135298, "md5": "7ff746c6f5f06fc25b 46420328402bed", "contentS3": "", "createdAt": "2022-02-16T21:40:20.257Z", "leafFieldIds": [ "f43ca7cc-c73a-43b9-8685-070b03876475", "edcf7b8b-913e-4e53-a0b5-91aa16699dfc" ] }, { "id": "4d9b0139-f528-43ab-8bc9-a31043fa87d2", "leafUserId": "055c4d61-b1e2-4fa9-873c-23433a11c271", "apiOwnerUsername": "fabyan", "type": "RGB", "origin": "PROVIDER_POOLED", "provider": "Sentera", "providerLayerId": "od4xlpl_FI_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_82f9b3d6 _211018_150732", "providerFieldId": "ycof8zg_AS_edovSouthernM _CV_prod_a025df2d _211015_200456", "name": "QuickTile RGB", "size": 121910506, "md5": "759d1f68962e30ea78f 40025c8b64972", "contentS3": "", "createdAt": "2022-02-16T21:40:35.341Z", "leafFieldIds": [ "f43ca7cc-c73a-43b9-8685-070b03876475", "edcf7b8b-913e-4e53-a0b5-91aa16699dfc" ] } ]

Success! With those four simple steps, your Leaf API is now connected with Sentera.

Software developers use Leaf’s API to build and scale a wide range of products including farm optimization tools, lending products, outcome-based financing, land and input marketplaces, agronomic recommendations, traceability applications, equipment maintenance forecasting, and more.

 Leaf | Data infrastructure for agriculture

Guthierry Almeida

Product Owner

Guthierry Almeida, originally from Espírito Santo, Brazil, is Product Owner for Leaf Agriculture. He has worked with product management and has a vast experience with GIS. Also, he has in-depth knowledge in precision agriculture, and is passionate about forest research and ESG.

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